Our listing decision
Dear Sharpay Token Holders!
It has been almost a week since we launched an opinion poll about listing on exchanges. We have received a lot of comments and support. And furthermore, we consulted with our advisors and experts. Now we would like to announce our decision.
As we all know, this month, the collective capitalization of all cryptocurrencies hit rock bottom — $189 billion. Almost all new projects, that have recently completed Token Sales and listed on exchanges, suffer a downward price trend, their token price has fallen below ICO price.
The experts believe that the market is in a poor condition these days and that there is no time to wait. We tend to agree with this position. The market might be not looking good now, but we believe that the prices will eventually go up and we need to start rising with the market together.
Moreover, there are interested buyers who can purchase our tokens anytime they want, and our token holders can buy more or sell at market price. Also, with regard to voting, a quarter of users suggest us to list on exchanges as soon as possible.
We have waited enough, it is time to act now. We are ready to do the first listing.
The exchange that we have chosen is now in the list of Top 15 global crypto exchanges with the largest trading volumes. It will help us to demonstrate to the public at large our trade capacity. The next step will be a public listing on CoinMarketCap which will open the window of opportunity for future listings on larger exchanges.
We understand that some of you wanted to wait and postpone listing on exchanges for better times, but taking into consideration current market trends, experts’ advice, voting results and possible risks we have made a decision to list on exchanges in the nearest future for our community’s best interest.
We will announce our first listing and provide more details later this week. Thank you all for your support and patience.
In Sharing We Trust!
Sharpay.io Team