Sharpay development update | 2019.05.31
3 min readMay 31, 2019


Hello Everyone!

Sharpay development update: added user information in the project edit history, verification for redirection URLs, a check for connecting social network, a custom error to the user for handling FB page binding problem, cleaned inactive social networking bindings for preventing sharing error, etc.

We always focus on our project and keep improving our share buttons in order to give every user the best sharing experience. We announce development news to our community every week and here are some of the finished tasks:

1) Added user information in the project edit history. We added more information in the project edit history. Webmasters can view the editor’s IP address, country and browser information every time the editor makes changes in the project. They can get the edit log in “History” tab in the “Manage project” section. The editor log is next to the username.

2) Added verification for redirection of URLs. For the “back” parameter, we added URLs verification. It will check all URLs being redirected against allowed domains for various authorization schemes, for example, oauth, plugins, etc.

3) Added a check for connecting social network. We added a check to prevent connecting social networks multiple times to cheat and get social network task bonus. The bonus for connecting each social network can be obtained only once.

4) Added a custom error to user for handling FB page binding problem. When a user connects his Sharpay account to a Facebook page that had already connected, our system would ignore it and throw an exception. We have added a custom error for this problem.

5) Cleaned inactive social network bindings for preventing sharing error. We found some users had an active social network binding but it contained an empty value in the database. Because of that, the sharing did not work for him for that social network. In order to prevent this problem, we decided to delete and clean all old inactive social network bindings.

6) Added bounty task conversion metrics in Admin panel. For understanding what bounty tasks users completed the most, we added bounty task conversion metrics in our Admin panel. It can also tell us what bounty tasks we should add based on user activity.

7) Moved JavaScript code associated with init/hit to a separate module. We took out the duplicated code and moved init/hit to utils.js module for better performance.

8) Optimized the database resources. We modified the storage scheme for archiving log to optimize the database resources used.

9) Analyzed the APIs of all popular messengers. In order to understand the possibility of developing and adding our Sharpay sharing buttons to groups, chats and channels, we studied all popular messengers including KakaoTalk, WeChat, Viber, FB Messenger, VK Messenger, Whatsapp and Telegram. We will soon tell you in detail about our analysis and the possibility of such development.

10) Audit the entire Sharpay product code and refactoring planning. Over months and years of development of our product, its code has grown very large in size. We approached the need to do a large code audit in order to plan refactoring. We conducted such an audit and planned constant refactoring, we have already begun some tasks. The result of the audit will be published in a big article.

11) New 2019’ UI and UX upgrade. In parallel with all development, we continue to work on the new 2019’ UI / UX and soon we will upgrade our Sharpay user interface. Stay tuned!

In Sharing We Trust! Team



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