Sharpay share buttons guide: Direct share buttons
2 min readMar 6, 2020


Dear Sharpay Webmasters!

Have you switched your buttons to direct share buttons? This is not multisharing, which you may remember that we have refused, this is sharing to only one social network. But we made to achieve a high conversion rate and become more efficient through rewards. It’s simple and easy to change. One simple change and you can experience the animated direct share buttons with mobile responsive design.

How to switch your buttons to direct share buttons:
Go to “Manage Project” (
2) Pick your project you want to use direct share buttons and click “Edit”.
3) Go to the “Installation” tab.
4) Select “Direct” for your button type.

Wanna design your own buttons to match your websites? Customize your buttons! There’re lots of things you can do for your “Direct share” buttons:
🔸 Set language. Choose the language of your buttons. You can pick English, Chinese, Korean, Russian or change it to fit the user browser language.
🔸 Limit icons display. You can decide how many social network icons you want to display.
🔸 Size of your buttons. You can choose 16px, 24px, 32px, 48px or set different sizes of your buttons.
🔸 Shape of the icons. How do you want to display your social network icons? You can change it here! Square, rounded, circle or no background.
🔸 Icons color. Choose your favorite color for your social network icons.
🔸 Hover color. What color you want when a user places a mouse over the social network icons.
🔸 Font color. By default, the font color of the caption will follow your website’s style sheet setting. But you can change it here.
🔸 Font-weight. The weight of the font that matches your websites.
🔸 Reward position. You can position your buttons on the left side or right side of your websites.

Don’t wait! Go and customize your own Sharpay direct share buttons! If you have any questions about customizing your buttons, contact our admin (, we are always here for you!

In Sharing We Trust! Team



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