Welcome all Sharpayers!

1 min readNov 29, 2019

Hello, Sharpayers!

Sharpayers? Yes, exactly! We know that we’ve never called you like this, and probably you’re surprised that, but you shouldn’t be and you’re always our Sharpayers!

Our Sharpay has a long development history, and we have been building and growing our Sharpay family. If it seems unusual to any of you, we’ll explain that we didn’t come up with it ourselves, it’s a generally accepted standard, for example, here Binance calls their members Binancians, and here Zcash refers to its Zcasher members, and of course, ordinary large companies speak the same language with their users: Instagram — Instagrammers, Dribbble — Dribbblers, etc. We should give everyone a sense of belonging, we cannot build our community without you!

You’re one of us, we build Sharpay family together! Sharpayers are who we are and what we do!

In Sharing We Trust!
Sharpay.io Team

