Why our sign is a dog, and why our project’s name is “Sharpay”?

1 min readApr 25, 2018


We guess you probably wondered why our sign is a dog, and why our project’s name is “Sharpay”. It’s time to tell you all about.

The project itself has a large background and prehistory! A few years ago when we just started creating it we called our project “Multishare”. That name was chosen due to the main function of the project — Multi+sharing (an ability to share content to several social networks in just one click).

Later on when blockchain technologies started gaining huge popularity, and tokenization appeared and became trendy; we decided to add another part, an extra word explaining other main feature of the project — token payment for sharing. Thus, the first four letters of our project’s name are based on the verb “share”, and the last three ones — come from the verb “pay”. Putting them all together, we get — “Sharpay”: share and pay in one word.

Since this word is consonant with the breed of dogs shar-pei in many languages, we took our decision to select shar-pei dog as our symbol and Sharpay is our project’s name.

You Share — We Pay!



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